This is the Windows README file for PocketD Plus v5.1 - PocketWare ------------------------------------------------------------------- PocketD Plus is an extremely powerful DOS-based file manager that allows the user to automate complex and routine file housekeeping operations for Windows and DOS. Much of this power rests in the powerful template facility and PocketD's ability to easily combine very many selection criteria and operations into a single command. This capability is way beyond that provided by Windows Explorer/File Manager. Many users have contacted us asking if PocketD can do some automated task they require. Almost always the answer is yes and almost always the alternative would have been to write a C/PASCAL program or Unix shell/awk script to do the same task. Some of these and other problems solved are documented under "hot tips" on our web page at: PocketD is useful for many simple tasks, but has also been used in more exotic applications such as the creation of HTML scripts, QUAKE front-ends and even generating C code! We have even had many Unix users asking for PocketD for Unix, despite the powerful tools already at their disposal! (one of the big advantages that PocketD has it that it is MUCH easier to use than Unix shell) This version of PocketD Plus runs under Windows/Win95 and fully supports Win95 long filenames (but not NT). PocketD Plus received "BEST UTILITY" awards in 1992, 1994 and 1995 by PsL, WHAT PC and Ziff-Davis (BBSCON-TWO). PocketD Plus is a Shareware product, and requires a registration payment after a 30-day trial period. PocketWare - ASP Member Installation ------------ Since you are reading this file I assume that you have already successfully decompressed or copied the release files to a subdirectory from where you intend to run it. If you are simply reading this file from a release disk or CD, then you should copy this and the other release files to a subdirectory where you intend to run PocketD from. There are then two steps to installation: 1. Installation for DOS, DOS box under Windows and Windows 3.x/3.xx Run the file INSTALL.BAT inside the installation subdirectory. INSTALL.BAT will modify the PATH variable to include the installation subdirectory and (optionally) modify AUTOEXEC.BAT to also include the new subdirectory. It will also perform an installation for Windows 3.x/3.xx if required. IMPORTANT! --> Now re-start Windows 2. Extra Installation step for Windows95/WindowsNT only Step (1) above must be completed and Windows re-started before proceeding below. The user must now perform the following simple steps: a) Use Windows Explorer or the drive icon (inside "My Computer") to select the installation subdirectory. b) Click on the file "pocketdp.grp". This will start up a folder showing the icons "Read Me" and "PocketD Plus". These simple steps will have added "PocketD Plus" to the START menus. The user can copy a short-cut to the "PocketD Plus" icon to the desktop, if required. Using PocketD inside Windows ---------------------------- The menu-driven interface "MenuD" for PocketD Plus is not a Windows application, but can be easily used from within Windows. It will support a Microsoft mouse (a DOS mouse driver will be required if running under Windows 3.x/3.xx). The mouse interface has been greatly improved since v4.6 and now works well under Windows. NOTE! The core command-line program D.EXE and DL.EXE are not mouse driven and so will not respond to the mouse wehn being run by MENUD.EXE! The user will have to use the keyboard until control returns to MENUD.EXE. Full PocketD Plus for Windows95/WindowsNT? ------------------------ This is a future project. Existing registered PocketD users will be able to upgrade to PocketD for Windows for a heavily discounted price, when it becomes available. What is PocketD used for? ------------------------- PocketD allows the user to look for, browse, examine, copy and manipulate files with the flexibility of a programming language. It is astonishingly powerful for performing operations for which there is no other reasonable solution. PocketD for Managing my Windows 95 hard disk? --------------------------------------------- PocketD Plus is ideal for setting up automated procedures for backing up key system and user files during Windows start-up. The user can use the MENUD.EXE program for this under Windows (icon "PocketD Plus"). This will allow the on line creation of backup and system procedures which can then be added to the "Start-up" folder. Documentation? -------------- MenuD provides full access to the on-line guide and manual which describes each of the 300+ options in detail and provides worked examples. The install disk also includes printable documentation files giving quick examples, network management uses and a general introduction. The registered version comes with a comprehensive bound 110-page pocket-sized manual which is packed with many example applications from common day-to-day disk and network management to exotic examples such as the automatic generation of C source code.